personal development
Becoming the best version of you
Creating the life for which you were designed. Learn what makes you unique and memorable and how to make the best of yourself!
Discover what makes you a Freak (unique and remarkable)
Learn how to embrace your Freakness
Identify your Driving Force (why you do what you do, don’t do what you don’t do)
Determine your Primary Values in life and how they can guide you forward
Determine your Ghost Values in life and how they are impacting you
Develop your self-confidence and become unstoppable
This program is a one-day program, six contact hours in length
Understanding yourself on a deeper level. What is it that drives you, why do your personal barriers hold you back, and how to move past them? What does your ideal life look like, and how do you create it one day at a time?
Understand what energy levels you are living on
Learn how your energy is impacting your life
Discover how your energy is impacting others in your life
Learn how to maximize who you are and become even more joyful and dynamic
This program is a one-day program, six contact hours in length
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