Speaker Secret Formula


September 04, 20244 min read

Have you ever sat through a presentation and found yourself checking your phone, daydreaming or completely disengaged? As a presenter, there is nothing worse than losing your audience. The most important thing in making an effective presentation is getting your audience to understand and share your purpose and passion for the subject. One of the best ways to do this is to use stories. Stories help us to connect with our audience, they help us to share our passion and purpose all at the same time. In this article, we will introduce you to the Speakers’ Secret Formula, which has been around for about 100 years or so. Most professional speakers and storytellers use some variation of this story when they speak or train.

The Formula

The formula is quite simple: Incident + Action = Benefit. Start off with a specific story (Incident), for example, something that taught you a lesson in life. Recall the story, when did it happen, where did it happen, who was there with you, what happened, what were the details? The more details you can add, the better the story. Don’t forget to include emotions, what emotions were you experiencing during this time? Fear, excitement, love, anger, happiness, joy, sorrow, pain, sadness, euphoria.

At the end of your story, share with the audience what you learned. What was the lesson you learned from this story? Based on this lesson, what is it you want us to do as your audience (Action)? Tell the audience what to do, and then, and this is the most important piece, tell us WHY we should do it (Benefit). What is the benefit for us to take this action you are suggesting? Without the why, people are not motivated to change behavior.

To truly make this a powerful formula, when you get to the action and benefit, be brief, be concise. Ten words for the Action, seven Words for the Benefit. People have short memories, the shorter the action and benefit statements, the more memorable they will be.

The Importance of Stories

Stories help us to connect with our audience. When we tell a story, we are engaging the audience on an emotional level. Emotions help us to remember things better. People may forget facts and figures, but they will always remember how you made them feel. Stories can help us to convey our passion and purpose for the subject. When we share our experiences, we are giving the audience a glimpse into our world. They get to see things from our perspective. This helps to build trust and credibility.

Applying the Formula

Once you have the formula down, then you can apply it to most of your presentations in different forms. The Speakers’ Secret Formula will give you a foundation (purpose and passion) for any presentation. Once you have a solid foundation, then you can add the little things that can add polish! For example, if you are giving a keynote speech, you could use the formula to share a personal story that ties into the overall theme of your speech. If you are training someone to use one of your products, you could use the formula to share a success story of a customer who has used your product and seen great results.

Tips for Success

To make your presentation even more effective, here are some tips for success:

Know your audience: Tailor your presentation to your audience. What are their needs? What are their pain points? What are their goals?

✔️ Keep it simple: Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand.

✔️ Use visuals: Use visuals to help reinforce your message. People remember pictures better than words, so make sure your visuals are relevant, clear, and easy to understand.

✔️ Practice, practice, practice: Practice your presentation beforehand, so you feel comfortable and confident when delivering it.

✔️ Hire CoreBuild Solutions: If you want to take your presentations to the next level, consider hiring CoreBuild Solutions. Our team of experts can help you craft engaging presentations that will captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. With their proven track record of success, you can trust that they will help you achieve your goals and take your presentation skills to the next level.

In conclusion, making effective presentations is all about connecting with your audience on an emotional level. The Speakers’ Secret Formula is a proven method that can help you do just that. By using stories to convey your passion and purpose, you can engage your audience and build trust and credibility. With the right foundation in place, and a few additional tips for success, you can create presentations that leave a lasting impression.

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