power of belief

The Power of Belief

August 26, 20244 min read

Powerful Force

Belief is a powerful force. It can be the difference between staying stuck in a place where you feel unappreciated and taking a leap into an environment where you can truly thrive. When you believe in yourself, amazing things can happen. But when others believe in you too, that’s when the real magic begins.

Not too long ago I found myself at a company where I felt like my colleagues didn’t really believe in me. The support, collaboration and connectivity certainly wasn’t there. The passion for my work was always there, but I was surrounded by people who didn’t know or understand who I was, what I was going through, or what I wanted to achieve. It felt like I was running on empty, with no one to fuel the fire inside me. I showed up every day, did my work, and went home, feeling like I was missing something vital.

It’s easy to downplay the importance of belief—both in yourself and from those around you. You might think that as long as you have the skills and the drive, that’s enough. But belief is more than just confidence or competence. It’s a force that can propel you forward, even in the most challenging circumstances. When people around you don’t believe in you or don’t know what you’re capable of, it’s like trying to start a fire with wet wood. You might get a spark here and there, but it never really catches.

Then, everything changed. I found myself in a new job, one where the people around me knew me—really knew me. They understood my values, my goals, and my vision for the future. They saw my strengths and supported me in areas where I needed to grow. Suddenly, it was like pouring gasoline on that smoldering fire. It roared to life, and I felt more energized and passionate about my work than ever before.

One of the most important people for me in this new environment is Frank. He’s always telling the people he works with that his job is to make people feel both uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. At first, that might sound contradictory, but it’s exactly where growth happens. It’s not always comfortable to be vulnerable, to be real, and to be open with your colleagues. But what happens when you do?

When you get real—when you let your guard down and allow the people around you to see who you really are—they can support you in ways you never imagined. They can help you play to your strengths and work on your weaknesses. They can challenge you to grow in ways you wouldn’t have thought possible on your own. And in turn, you can do the same for them.

This experience has taught me that belief is not just something you should keep to yourself. It’s something that needs to be shared, cultivated, and nurtured within a team. When everyone in a workplace believes in each other, it creates a powerful synergy that pushes everyone to do their best work. It’s not just about individual success—it’s about collective achievement.

So, as you’ve made it this far into this blog, I want to ask you a few questions. Who in your workplace deserves to have you invest more of your time and effort into them? Can you honestly say that the people you work with know your values and how they align with your job? What would happen if they did? What would happen if they knew your vision and what you were trying to accomplish? What could happen for them if you knew their vision, goals, and values?

Imagine if they got right alongside you, helping you reach your goals that much sooner. It’s not just about what you can do on your own; it’s about what you can achieve together when everyone is on the same page, believing in each other and pushing each other to be the best versions of themselves.

When you believe in yourself, you unlock your potential. But when others believe in you, they help you reach heights you never thought possible. And when you, in turn, believe in others and invest in them, you create an environment where everyone can thrive. That’s the power of belief. It’s more than just a feeling—it’s a catalyst for growth, both individually and collectively.

So, take a moment to reflect on where you are now. Who do you believe in, and who believes in you? How can you bring more of that belief into your workplace? The answers to these questions could be the key to unlocking not just your own potential, but the potential of everyone around you.


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