Embracing My Uniqueness

Embracing My Inner Uniqueness: Transforming My Ordinary Self Into An Amazing One

October 11, 20244 min read

The Wake-Up Call

I've always been a bit of an oddball, but I never really knew how to harness that uniqueness. That is until I stumbled upon Frank Keck’s book "Embrace Your Freakness." This book isn't just another self-help guide; it's a wake-up call for anyone who's ever felt like they don't quite fit in. And let me tell you, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Challenging the Status Quo

As I flipped through the pages, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. Frank’s words seemed to leap off the page, challenging everything I thought I knew about myself and my place in the world. It was as if someone had held up a mirror to my soul and said, "Hey, you! Yeah, you with the quirks and the dreams you've been hiding behind that mom-jeans facade. It's time to let your unique flag fly!"

The Mom and Manager Dilemma

For years, I've used my roles as a mom and a former manager as excuses to play it safe. I convinced myself that being a good mother meant putting my dreams on the back burner, and being a good manager meant always trying to make everyone happy and comfortable. I'd watch my kids chase their passions and my former team members voice their opinions while I cheered from the sidelines, telling myself that their happiness and comfort were enough. But deep down, there was always this nagging feeling that I was missing out on something.

A Paradigm Shift at CoreBuild

When I started working at CoreBuild, my path to embracing my uniqueness took an unexpected turn. This innovative company became the perfect playground for rediscovering my true self. At CoreBuild, I found an environment that not only accepted but celebrated individuality. It was here that I began to shed my people-pleasing habits and explore the full spectrum of my quirks and talents.

Working on creative projects at CoreBuild, I realized that my unique perspective wasn't just acceptable – it was valuable. Frank and Jessica encouraged me to think outside the box and to bring my whole self to work. This supportive atmosphere was the catalyst I needed to start embracing my "freakiness," as I affectionately began to call it.

The Ripple Effect

The impact on both my family and my work life has been incredible. My kids see a side of me they never knew existed, watching their mom take risks and chase dreams. They're learning that it's okay to be different, to stand out, and to pursue passions unconventionally. At CoreBuild, my newfound confidence has led to innovative solutions and a reputation for creative problem-solving. I'm no longer just a cog in the machine—I'm a unique voice contributing to the company's success.

Beyond Home and Work

This journey of self-discovery hasn't just changed my roles as a mom and a professional – it's transformed my entire perspective on life. I'm rediscovering old hobbies, trying new experiences, and building deeper connections with friends, family, and colleagues. By embracing my uniqueness, I'm becoming a more interesting, well-rounded person in all aspects of my life.

Key Takeaways

  1. Embracing your uniqueness is not selfish or unprofessional—it's empowering for you, your family, and your workplace.

  2. Your quirks and oddities are potential superpowers waiting to be unleashed, both at home and in your career.

  3. Being true to yourself sets a powerful example for your children and your colleagues.

  4. Stepping out of your comfort zone is scary, but the rewards are immeasurable.

  5. Your unique perspective is your greatest asset in standing out and making a difference as a parent and a professional.

  6. It's never too late to start embracing your true self and pursuing your dreams, regardless of your roles and responsibilities.

  7. Authenticity can create a ripple effect, inspiring your family and workplace to embrace their uniqueness.

A Final Thought to Ponder

Here's a question that might just change your life, as it did mine:

If you dared to fully embrace and showcase your unique qualities as a parent, a professional, and an individual, what amazing things might you accomplish?

This book doesn't just encourage you to accept yourself; it challenges you to celebrate and amplify what makes you unique. It's not about becoming someone else—it's about becoming more authentic in every aspect of your life.

So, are you ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Are you prepared to unleash your inner uniqueness and see where it takes you? Pick up "Embrace Your Freakness" and find out. Trust me, your kids, your colleagues, and the world are waiting for the real, unfiltered, gloriously unique you.


Creativity Technical Specialist

Jhoanna Alvarez

Creativity Technical Specialist

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