Understanding Yourself

Understanding Yourself: The Key to Better Communication and Relationships

September 24, 20244 min read

Have you ever wondered why some people just "get" you, while others seem to be speaking an entirely different language? The secret might lie in understanding your own communication style and learning preferences. Frank Keck's book "Interpret" delves into these concepts, offering valuable insights that can transform the way we interact with others in both our personal and professional lives.

The Big Chunk vs. Small Chunk Dilemma

One of the most eye-opening concepts in Keck's book is the idea of "chunk size" in how we process information. Some people are "big chunk" thinkers, preferring broad concepts and the big picture. Others, like me, are "small chunk" thinkers who thrive on details and specifics.

It's like when you're gossiping with your friends, right? Some people will just give you the bare bones, like 'Oh, I saw Sarah and John together,' but I'm the one who wants to know every juicy detail!

This insight can be incredibly powerful in both personal and professional settings. Understanding your own chunk size preference can help you communicate more effectively and seek out information in a way that makes sense to you.

Learning Styles: More Than Just Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic

Keck's book also explores different learning styles, going beyond the traditional visual, auditory, and kinesthetic categories. I identify strongly with visual and hands-on learning, noting, "When someone's explaining something to me, I'm picturing it in my mind and trying to connect it to stuff I already know."

This self-awareness can be a game-changer in educational and professional settings. By recognizing your preferred learning style, you can seek out information in formats that resonate with you, leading to better understanding and retention.

The Four Communication Channels

Another fascinating aspect of Keck's work is the idea of four primary communication channels: The Social, The Driver, The Lover, and The Thinker. I identify most strongly with The Social and The Lover channels, which align with my self-described emotional nature and desire for connection.

Understanding these channels can help us navigate diverse social and professional situations. This stuff has helped me understand why I'm good at certain things. For example, my Social and Lover tendencies likely contribute to my strong connections with my children and my ability to empathize with others.

Practical Applications in Real Life

The true value of Keck's insights lies in their practical applications. I share how understanding my communication style has impacted various aspects of my life:

  1. As a mother: "I feel like I really connect with my kids through both my words and actions. They know when I'm telling them something, it's coming from my own experiences."

  2. In the workplace: "At work, being detail-oriented helps me turn big ideas into reality. I often work with these visionary types who have grand plans but don't always think about the nitty-gritty. So I'm the one who has to figure out how to actually make it happen."

  3. In personal growth: "I think understanding all this has really helped me grow, both personally and professionally. It's made me realize why I'm effective in my roles as a mother and a manager."

The Power of Self-Awareness

Perhaps the most valuable takeaway from Keck's book and my reflections is the importance of self-awareness. By understanding our own communication preferences, learning styles, and personality tendencies, we can:

  1. Improve our relationships by communicating more effectively with others

  2. Enhance our learning and problem-solving abilities by seeking information in ways that resonate with us

  3. Leverage our strengths in personal and professional settings

  4. Develop empathy for those with different communication styles

These insights will greatly improve my relationships and effectiveness across all areas of my life, helping me grow both personally and professionally.

In a world where effective communication is more important than ever, taking the time to understand ourselves and others can lead to richer, more fulfilling relationships and greater success in all areas of life. Whether you're a big chunk thinker, a small chunk person, a visual learner, or a hands-on doer, embracing your unique communication style is the first step towards better understanding and connection with those around you.

What's your communication style? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where understanding your own or someone else's communication preferences could have made a big difference? 


Creativity Technical Specialist

Jhoanna Alvarez

Creativity Technical Specialist

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