The Power of Appreciation: Discovering Growth Through PIE in the Workplace

September 06, 20244 min read

Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to work alongside Frank and the wonderful team at Rutgers Camden, where we conducted a series of workshops aimed at helping employees to connect with their dominant communication and learning styles. These workshops are always an eye-opener, not just for the participants, but for the CoreBuild team as well. Each time we facilitate these sessions, I find myself learning more about who I am and what drives me. 

One of the most powerful moments of the week came during an activity we like to call "PIE." It's a simple yet transformative exercise that encourages participants to recognize and appreciate the positive attributes of their colleagues. 

The acronym PIE stands for: - 

P: Praise a positive attribute. 

I: Identify how this attribute is important. 

E: Encourage the person to continue impacting others in this way. 

At its core, the PIE activity is about recognition—acknowledging the unique strengths that each individual brings to the table and how those strengths make a difference in the lives of others. The beauty of this exercise lies in its simplicity. By serving someone a piece of PIE, you're not just offering praise; you're building relationships, fostering a culture of appreciation, and reinforcing the positive impact people have on each other. 

During one session at Rutgers this past week, I had the privilege of witnessing the profound effect that PIE can have. It’s always fun to watch, but this time was different. Towards the end of the session, we all took turns sharing a piece of PIE with 3 folks in the room. To my surprise, two participants offered their PIE to me. 

One of them was the head of the nursing department—a role that carries immense responsibility and is often filled with individuals who possess a deep sense of compassion and care. What she said shocked me to my core. She praised my "servant's heart," acknowledging how my actions throughout the day had impacted her. 

This was a true ah-ha moment for me. No one had ever connected the dots for me in that way before. I've never really thought of myself as having a servant's heart, but as she spoke, I realized she was right. The way she articulated my influence on her allowed me to see a side of myself that I hadn't fully recognized. I’m so grateful for her breaking down each part of the PIE for me! 

It's funny how growth works. When you're taking small steps every day towards your vision and who you want to become, sometimes it takes a stranger's observation to show you who you actually are right now. And in that moment, I felt a deep sense of pride in the person I've become. I do have a servant's heart, and nothing excites me more than being able to make a positive impact on others through my actions and words. 

This experience got me thinking: What would happen if 5 people in your life committed to sharing a piece of PIE with each other? Imagine the energy shift that could occur if we all took the time to genuinely appreciate the strengths and contributions of others. How powerful would it be if every day, we made it a point to recognize the impact that others have on us and encouraged them to keep going? The answer is simple—such a shift would be transformative. 

Appreciation is a fundamental human need. We all thrive when we feel valued and recognized for our efforts. By incorporating the PIE activity into our workplaces, we can create an environment where people feel seen, heard, and appreciated. This not only boosts morale but also strengthens the bonds between team members, leading to a more cohesive, motivated, and productive workplace. 

Sure, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to acknowledge the people who make our work lives better. But if we can pause, even for a moment, to serve each other a piece of PIE, we can create a culture where appreciation is the norm, not the exception. And in doing so, we not only help others grow—we grow ourselves. 

As I continue on this journey of self-discovery and growth, I'm reminded of the importance of taking the time to appreciate those around me. After all, it's through recognizing the strengths in others that we often find the strengths within ourselves. So, I challenge you to think about your own workplace. What would it look like if you started sharing a piece of PIE with your colleagues? How would it change the way you interact with each other? And more importantly, how would it impact the overall energy and culture of your organization?

If you're curious to learn more about the PIE activity and how it can be implemented in your workplace, connect with the CoreBuild team! Remember, a little appreciation can go a long way, and sometimes, it’s the simplest gestures that make the most significant impact.

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